Anno/Year 2022
230 pagine/pages
26 illustrazioni/illustrations.
15x21 cm.
ISBN 9788833841366

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Editorial Project and Coordination
Elisabetta Falchetti and Fausto Barbagli
Translation: Lucilla Spini

Museums searching for the future and The Role of Museum in the 21st Century are still current and stimulating issues in the post-modern Museum world. In fact, given that this century is impacted by rapid and strong changes within cultural paradigms and socio-political life as well as by dramatic transformations in the natural environment, it is essential to rediscuss the existence and the historical roles of Museums, to reconsider their missions, activities and management styles and to identify new linkages with the related societies. How can we address today’s challenges, grasp new social needs, and provide services and benefits to communities? Nowadays, sustainability is the most accepted project in the world, despite its different applications and interpretations. In fact, it entails a shared perspective on change and improvement of all aspects of individual and social life as well as of the relationship with the natural environment. Since the very beginning, scientific Museums have contributed their collections, research and activities towards fostering the quality of individual and collective life. They have enabled a culture which forges thinking, attitudes and human values, and provides knowledge and interpretation frameworks related to nature, as well as practical schemes on the interface with, and management of, the environment. Many scientific Museums have already been active for some time, “in the field”, towards implementing sustainability programs and interventions. The Italian Association of Scientific Museums (ANMS - Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici) adopts sustainability as its steering plan: it has edited this publication towards affirming the commitment and the potential of the Italian Scientific Museums towards contributing to “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” of the United Nations.

The Italian Association of Scientific Museums (ANMS - Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici) was founded in 1972 as an organization to disseminate scientific museology in Italy and to connect the institutions and interested staff. The actions of the ANMS include the organization of congresses, conferences, seminars, thematic meetings and Specialized Working Groups’ research which fosters the knowledge exchange and updates among and by Members, as well as the publication of the journal “Museologia Scientifica” which allows for a continuous flow of information across Museums and the national scientific community. As of today, the Association encompasses about 146 Institutional Members which include around 200 entities such as Museums, Zoological Gardens, Botanical Gardens and Aquariums, and circa 185 Individual Members, throughout the national territory. Within the ANMS, there are Specialized Working Groups including those on “Education”, “Collection Management”, “Public relations and audience development” and “Collection Valuation”
The book has been published in Italian in 2019, and translated in 2021; for updates, developments and possible partnerships on current and future projects, please visit the ANMS Website at

ANMS-Associazione Nazionale Musei Scientifici nasce nel 1972 come organizzazione per la promozione e diffusione della museologia scientifica in Italia e di collegamento fra le Istituzioni e gli operatori interessati.
L’azione dell’ANMS si sviluppa attraverso la realizzazione di congressi, convegni, seminari, incontri tematici e ricerche dei gruppi di lavoro specialistici, che favoriscono lo scambio di conoscenze e l’aggiornamento tra e dei Soci, la pubblicazione della rivista specializzata Museologia Scientifica che permette un continuo flusso di notizie fra i Musei e il contesto scientifico nazionale.
Conta ad oggi 146 Soci Istituzionali, che includono circa 200 strutture tra Musei, Giardini Zoologici, Orti Botanici ed Acquari e 185 Soci individuali, distribuiti sul territorio nazionale. Nell’ANMS sono attivi attualmente 6 Gruppi specialistici: Educazione, Gestione delle collezioni, Rapporti con i pubblici e audience development, Musei territoriali e reti museali, Musei universitari, Patrimonializzazione delle collezioni.