Simonetta Occhipinti dopo gli studi umanistici si e’ laureata in pianoforte e didattica della musica, da sempre appassionata di piante e fiori si è dedicata alla pittura botanica fin dagli anni giovanili, ha studiato a lungo anche le tecniche pittoriche fiamminghe e rinascimentali il restauro pittorico e le antiche tecniche di decorazione.
Ha esposto le sue opere in numerose mostre personali e collettive organizzate in importanti sedi come la Lindlay Hall a Londra, l’Accademia dei Georgofili e Il Museo Villa Bardini a Firenze, gli Orti Botanici di Firenze, Lucca, Padova, Edimburgo, l’Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation di Pittsburgh, il Mangha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology di Cracovia.
Nel Febbraio 2016 ha vinto la medaglia d’oro al “London Botanical Art Show” organizzato dalla Royal Horticultural Society presentando otto tavole sugli agrumi delle coltivazioni medicee. Nel Maggio 2019 ha vinto la medaglia d’oro al concorso internazionale BISCOT, organizzato dal Gardening Scotland e dal Royal Botanic Garden di Edimburgo. Dal 2019 una sua opera è nella collezione permanente dell’Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation.
E’ Fellow Member SBA (english “Society of Botanical Artists”) e membro della ASBA (“American Society of Botanical Artists”) .
Vive e lavora in Toscana sulle colline fiorentine.


Simonetta Occhipinti graduated in piano and music education. Has dedicated herself since youth to botanical painting, she also worked on the reproduction of ancient Flemish and Renaissance paintings, further enriching her activity by attending a school of painting restoration and ancient techniques of decoration. She has had numerous personal and collective exposition organised by Associations and Institutes amongst which: Lindlay Hall in London, Accademia dei Georgofili and Villa Bardini Museum in Florence, Botanical Gardens of Florence, Lucca, Padova, Edimburgh, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation in Pittsburgh, Museum of Japanese Art and Technology of Krakòw.
In February 2016 she has recived the Gold Medal at the "London Botanical Art Show" organized by the Royal Horticultural Society of London, showing eight paintings about the citrus growing in the Medici Family Gardens. In May 2019 she has recived the Gold Medal at the International Exhibition BISCOT, organized by the Gardening Scotland and the Royal Botanic Garden of Edimburg. One her work is in the permanent collection of the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation in Pittsburgh.
She is SBA Fellow Member and member of the “American Society of Botanical Artists”.
She lives and works in Tuscany, on the beautiful florentine hills.





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